Apply for a Scholarship

IMPORTANT NOTICE: MDLPA is not currently offering a scholarship. However, we can sponsor an applicant for the LPI Eula Mae Jett Scholarship. Please follow the instructions below to submit your application to us.

MDLPA & LPI Scholarships
Deadline: March 1

Please note that although you will see paperwork that indicates the deadline to apply for the Eula Mae Jett Scholarship is April 1, you need to apply to MDLPA first – and that deadline is March 1

[NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME]: MDLPA offers a $1,000 scholarship each year. Applications are accepted from those persons interested in any of the following careers in the legal field:

  • Legal Administrative Assistant/Legal Secretary
  • Paralegal/Legal Assistant
  • Receptionist in a law related office
  • Court Reporter
  • Law Office Administrator

The winner of our scholarship, and up to two runners-up will be sent to LPI for the entrance in the Eula Mae Jett Scholarship, and the opportunity to win another $2,000 (first place) or $1,000 (second place)!

For more information on the Eula Mae Jet Scholarship, please click here. For more information on the MDLPA Scholarship, see below.


MDLPA’s deadline for submitting applications for our scholarship is March 1 of each year. MDLPA will announce it’s scholarship winner by April 1. The winner of the Eula Mae Jett Scholarship will be announced by May 31 (or at the Annual Conference of Legal Professionals, Inc.).


Mt. Diablo LPA
3191 Rohrer Drive
Lafayette, CA 94549

Application packets must be mailed or delivered to the above address. Emails or faxes cannot be accepted.


The rules for MDLPA’s scholarship are virtually the same as those for the Eula Mae Jett Scholarship.

Please note that members of the Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association and members of LSI are allowed to apply for the scholarship.

Click here to view the Scholarship Plan.

Documents you will need:


For more information on the MDLPA scholarship, please contact:

For more information on the Eula Mae Jett Scholarship, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions, click here.

Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association

The Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association (“MDLPA”) received its charter from Legal Secretaries Association (California), now Legal Professionals, Inc. (“LPI®”) in January of 1969.  Like LPI, MDLPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational, professional, and personal development programs to its membership, consisting of attorneys, legal assistants, paralegals, legal secretaries, legal administrative assistants, court reporters, law office administrators and anyone in a law-related profession. For more information on LPI, click here.


Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association
P.O. Box 4253
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
United States