Pay with PayPal / Credit Card

MDLPA is pleased to offer our members and guests the option to pay by PayPal (below) or Credit Card.

To pay by Credit Card 
for any event, click on the following link CC.FORM.ALL and email to 
Some events described below may have a separate link to a credit card form. Please use that form for that specific event.

Please report any problems with PayPal to MDLPA’s Webmaster, Maria Bishop, CCLS, at 925-324-0712 or

DINNER MEETINGS (When Applicable)
Prices are posted in the meeting notice. If paying by PayPal, enter the amount to the right in the form provided. If paying by credit card, use the form link above.  Indicate your menu selection in the “Payment Reference” window.

Please pay in advance of a meeting offering CLE/CCLS credits.  If you would like to pay by credit card, please download the form above, fill it out, and email to the Treasurer.   If you would like to join our Association, please visit our Membership page.

Your donations are greatly appreciated. 


Enter the payment details and submit.

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Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association

The Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association (“MDLPA”) received its charter from Legal Secretaries Association (California), now Legal Professionals, Inc. (“LPI®”) in January of 1969.  Like LPI, MDLPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational, professional, and personal development programs to its membership, consisting of attorneys, legal assistants, paralegals, legal secretaries, legal administrative assistants, court reporters, law office administrators and anyone in a law-related profession. For more information on LPI, click here.


Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association
P.O. Box 4253
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
United States