Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal is during the month of May of each year.

Renewal Fees

Full Members:

$65 (by check/cash)

$70 (by credit card/PayPal*)

Student and Associate Members:

$55 (by check/cash)

$57.50 (by credit card/PayPal*)

*Membership expires on 4/30 of each year, and renewals begin on 5/1.

*Pay with PayPal or Credit Card

For a Membership Renewal Form
and information on where to send
your renewal, CLICK HERE

Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association

The Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association (“MDLPA”) received its charter from Legal Secretaries Association (California), now Legal Professionals, Inc. (“LPI®”) in January of 1969.  Like LPI, MDLPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational, professional, and personal development programs to its membership, consisting of attorneys, legal assistants, paralegals, legal secretaries, legal administrative assistants, court reporters, law office administrators and anyone in a law-related profession. For more information on LPI, click here.


Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association
P.O. Box 4253
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
United States